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Riverside Community


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The orchard was established in 2012 by Riverside Community Council with funding from Forth Environment Link and has been going strong ever since!


Every month we spend a little bit of time nurturing and maintaining the orchard. 


Volunteering with us is a great way to meet new people within our community, it gives you a chance to learn new things and you can truly make a difference by making Riverside even more beautiful and help heal our planet at the same time.  


We meet on the last Saturday of each month at 9.30am, though due to the Coronavirus crisis all maintenance sessions have been postponed.  


No experience is necessary and all help and enthusiasm is welcome.


Enjoy some pictures of our 2020 Orchard Blossom and Fruit here, taken by Paul Dumbleton, one of our trustees.

Interactive Map

Our Fruit Trees

We have a wide selection of fruit trees in our Orchard.  This changes over the years as some trees need to be replaced due to age or disease and some are added to expand our range.


You can find out more about our trees in our interactive map below just click on a tree.


Belle D Boskoop


Belle De Boskoop - This species is an apple cultivar which originated in Boskoop, Netherlands.  It is greenish/grey tinged with red and is both a cooking apple and can be eaten straight from the tree.

Cooking & Eating

#27 & #29

Bloody Ploughman - This Scottish apple has a dark story: A gamekeeper shot dead a ploughman caught stealing apples from the Megginch Estate. When his body was returned to his wife, she found stolen apples in his pockets and threw them onto a rubbish heap. One of the resulting seedlings bore apples of a deep, blood red. This tree gave rise to the cultivar that was named after the unfortunate ploughman.


Blody Poughman


Cambusnetthan Pippin - The Cambusnethan Pippin is an old Scottish variety that, according to one source, originated at the Cambusnethan Monastery where it was known as ‘Cam’nethan Pippin’.  It dates from pre-1750 and this small apple has a slight taste of hazelnut.

Cooking and Eating



King of the Pippins - A popular 19th century apple, very widely grown in Europe at the time, and versatile for cooking and dessert uses.  It also keeps its shape after cooking.




John Downie - Our crab apple grows small fruits in abundance and will make an excellent jelly.  This tree was kindly donated by Paul Dumbleton, one of Riverside Naturally's founding trustees.




Lady of the Lake - From a tree near Errol Carse of Gowrie in Perthshire and collected in 1958 and introduced into the National Fruit Collection at Brogdale. It has an elongated shape, the fruit isn't huge but it crops heavily and thrives in wet, cold areas.


Lady of the Lake


Laxton's Fortune - The Laxton Brothers Nursery created the 'Fortune' in 1904 from an orange pippin and a Wealthy

 apple.  It was release for commercial growing in 1931.  This is considered a rare apple tree.



#12 & #21

Michelin - This is a popular cider apple, developed in Normandy and brought to England in 1883 (approx).  It is popular due to having a reliable and plentiful crop.



#2 & #14

Red DevilApple Red Devil is a red fleshed eating apple, with the bright red skin colour bleeding into the white flesh and pinkish red stain and has a sweet strawberry-like flavour. Apple Red Devil originates from Kent in 1975 and is self fertile, which means it doesn't need another apple tree to pollinate it and is ideal for smaller gardens. The fruit is ripe for picking in October.


Red Devil
Scotch Dumplins

#1 & #8

Scotch Dumpling - Widely grown in Scotland with unknown origins, though some think it may originate in Clydesdale.  It is ready early to mid August with large cooking apples with a sharp flavour. It has lovely pink blossoms in spring.


Scotch Bridget

#3 & #13

Scotch Bridget - Widely grown in Scotland and Lancashire in the 1900s. this is a very good cooking apple for northern gardens. Very hardy, and produces heavy crops of conical yellow-green fruit which are often prominently ribbed, Britchetts were know to have been grown in the Lyth valley, Cumbria as far back as the 1780s. The fruit is of rich sub-acid flavour, and keeps it shape when cooked.




Scrumptious - Widely grown in Scotland and considered a modern variety of apple and gets its sweetness from Golden Delicious, Worcester Pearmain and Discovery varieties.  It is a lovely sweet eating apple.  



St Edmund's Pippin - This is a russet apple which seasons slight earlier than the more well known Egremont Russet and does not keep as well, however this is made up for in a superior flavour.  This is an eating apple but is very juicy and used often for cider.


St Edmunds


Tam Montgomery - This is an eating apple tree and we currently have no further information.





Number 10

Beurre Hardy Pear - This is a popular French dessert pear dating back to the early 19th century.  They have light green, brown russet fruit have and are great straight off the tree and in a pudding.


Number 6 & 9

Conference PearA medium-sized pear with an elongated bottle shape which is ready in mid Autumn  This variety of pear was developed in Britain by Thomas Francis Rivers from his Rivers Nursery in Hertfordshire. It was named after it won first prize at the National British Pear Conference in London in 1885.



#16, #22 & #28

Mirabelle Cherry Plum - This plum is a speciality of the French region of Lorraine which is identified by its small, oval shape, smooth-textured flesh, and especially by its red, or dark yellow colour which becomes flecked in appearance. The Mirabelle reaches maturity and is harvested from July to mid-September. 



Pershore Yellow Plum - The fruit is medium-sized to large, oval, and ripens to bright yellow.  It is a traditional cooking plum from the Vale of Evesham in the West Midlands and is great for baking and jams.

Victoria Plum

#4, #5 & #20

Victoria PlumThe Victoria plum is a type of English plum. It has a yellow flesh with a red or mottled skin. The name "Victoria" comes from Queen Victoria (1819–1901). Though there are a number of alternative suggestions to explain the true origin of the variety. It was introduced commercially in Sweden in 1844 by a nursery owner, Denyer, under the name of Denyer's Victoria. This strain quickly became very popular in Sweden in the late 19th century.



Quince - It is a deciduous tree that bears hard, aromatic bright golden-yellow pome fruit, similar in appearance to a pear. Ripe quince fruits are hard, tart, and astringent. They are seldom eaten raw, but are processed into marmalade, jam, paste (known as quince cheese) or alcoholic beverages.

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Caring For

Our Orchard

November, December, January


Carry out any replanting needs

Removing any dead or fallen fruit and continue to harvest any late growing fruit

Rake up leaves and dead wood to avoid disease

Begin winter pruning

Check tree guards

Re-label trees if necessary.

February, March


Continue any winter pruning up until March

Apply organic mulch/feed

April, May


Feed trees

Commence scab control measures at bud burst

Pick off powdery mildew shoots

Hand pollinate weather if to bad for flying bees

Monitor for pests and diseases

Irrigate trees if necessary

Remove dead or dying trees



Thin numbers of fruit if prolific

Commence Summer pruning of Plums and other stoned fruit

Continue to monitor for pests and diseases.


July, August


Check guard and ties as the trees grow

Prop up any heavily laden plum branches

Continue summer pruning of apples and pears as required

Remove unwanted extension growth and suckers

Continue to monitor for pests and diseases


September, October


Harvest early fruits for immediate use

Pick and store the better quality late fruits for storage for later use

Continue to monitor for pests and diseases.



Remove the dead, dying and diseased wood

Eliminate crossing/rubbing branches

Prune to create an open centre or branches

Remove upright growth from the top of the tree

Cordons and restricted forms, cut back to fruiting spurs on restricted framework if not done in summer and thin our crowded spur systems


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