Birds of
Riverside is home or a holiday spot to over 70 recorded species of birds. Swans particularly like our riverbank and can be seen year after year nesting across the Forth. From the more common place birds like House Martins, Blue Tits and Blackbirds to a Sparrow Hawks and quite recently a Woodpecker.
Different birds are attracted to different things and you can do a lot to make them feel welcome in our area.
Birds are a vital part or our ecosystem. Sadly over the last few years there has been a steady decline of bird being spotted in our gardens. Find out a bit more here
As well as being a wonderful sight in our gardens with 65 species having been spotted in Riverside so far, they have an important role in keeping the balance in nature.
Birds eat a lot of insects which helps control the number or mini-beast, such as slugs and aphids that like to snack on your garden.
They are also great for weed control as birds like sparrows, finches and siskins eat a great number of weed seeds, which helps keep your lawn healthy.
Below is a few ideas to help make your garden a bird haven.
Use a range of feeders with a range of food - birds have preferences and the wider a variety you offer the more bird species will be attracted to your garden
Consider where you place your feeders, birds want to feel safe from predators and have peace to feed. Prickly plants are a good cat deterrent.
There are many different shrubs that can attract birds.
Click here for a great place to start.
Provide water for drinking. The size of container doesn't matter just ensure it is kept clean, no deeper than 3" deep, to allow any visitors to be able to get out.
In the Autumn and Winter it's ideal to feed the birds twice a day with high energy foods like fat balls and peanuts. You can make your own fat balls - find out how here.
In the Spring and Summer birds need protein - so fruit and seeds are ideal. Fats, peanuts and bread are harmful to nestlings so it's a good idea not to put them out during nesting months.
It might be considered less important to feed birds during the summer but the fluctuating weather can kill off their natural food sources so providing food can be essential to their survival.
Whatever you feel able to do will greatly help the birds in your garden. Try to keep your feeding schedule consistent as the birds will come to rely on it.